Friday, December 28, 2012

Happy New Year

OK, so this  blog has not been as regular as expected but, as they say, "so much to do, so little time to do it!"

I have tried to keep this blog and the six websites up to date with developments. Much of the data is in relative raw form but just requires care and time to process it. As noted in the last blog entry, I have started a newsletter to disseminate the information and encourage more data to be sent in my direction. There are other organisations out there which charge for this service such as ATEEME who operate on  a business model. I do not. I don't have the business skills, money or mobility to set up such an organisation. 

What I do have is enthusiasm for knowledge and a background in scientific research. This is what I am trying to bring to to this new area of UK collecting - trying to record the data at the time it is being produced rather than waiting for a decade plus to try to piece things together like a jigsaw with more than half the pieces missing. I may not have that 10 years for those bits to come together.

So 2012 has seen three new pictorials and a re-released robin along with the overprints for Stampex, Perth and the BPMA. And don't forget the pop up post office!

2013 will see three pictorial issues - freshwater life and a second class machin. Add to that more Stampex varieties with overprints and yet another re-released robin.

Please get in touch if you have data that will help me put together a more coherent picture.

Happy New Year to one and all.

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